
Creating a stocktake

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Click the ‘Stocktake‘ button.
  3. Click the ‘Create Stocktake‘ button to create a new stocktake.
    • Alternatively, You can create a stocktake under More Actions → Create Stocktake from the following pages:
    1. ‘Ingredients‘
    2. ‘Drugs & Batch Stock‘
    3. ‘Devices/Consumables‘
    4. ‘Retail Products‘
    • Any filter tags applied to those pages will automatically be applied to the stocktake's filters.
  4. On the create stocktake page, select the stock type you want to create a stocktake for.
  5. The stock list will show you the stock that is currently available for stocktaking.
  6. Filters can be applied to further refine the stock list.
    • The stock list will automatically update based on the selected filters.
  7. Stocktakes have 2 update modes:
    • Real-time - Stock quantity updates immediately during a stocktake.
    • On Completion - Stock quantity updates upon stocktake completion.
  8. If you want to exclude certain stocks from the list, you can remove them by clicking on the checkbox next to each stock and clicking the ‘delete Remove From List‘ button at the top right of the table.
  9. Click on the ‘Create‘ button when finished to create the stocktake.

Viewing a stocktake

  1. Go to the ‘Stocktakes’ page.

  2. Find the desired stocktake and click on it to view it.

  3. On the ‘Stocktake’ page, you can view the stock list, filters, and status of the stocktake.

    • A stocktake can have one of the following statuses:
    • NEW - The stocktake has just been created and is yet to be performed.
    • IN PROGRESS - The stocktake is currently being performed.
    • COMPLETED - The stocktake has been completed.
    • CANCELLED - The stocktake has been cancelled.
  4. A physical copy of the stocktake is available by clicking on the ‘print Print PDF‘ button beside the status.

  5. Export to Excel (.xlsx) and CSV (.csv) formats is also available by clicking on the ‘Export‘ button on the top right side of the page.

  6. Click on the ‘More Actions’ drop-down menu to either Mark as Complete or Cancel Stocktake.

    • If your stocktake update mode is set to ‘On Completion‘, the stock quantity will be updated once it is ‘Mark as Complete’.
  7. The ‘Stock List’ will show you the stock's ‘Previous Quantity‘, ‘Count‘, ‘Movement‘, ‘Movement Cost‘, and ‘Performed By‘.

    1. ‘Previous Quantity’ - The stock's previous quantity before counting.

    2. ‘Count’ - The current count of the stock during the stocktake, if the stock has not been counted or was closed, this will be ‘0‘.

    3. ‘Movement’ - The movement of the stock during the stocktake.

    4. ‘Movement Cost’ - The cost of the movement of the stock during the stocktake.

    5. ‘Performed By’ - The member who performed the count.

    • Greyed-out rows indicate that the stock has been ‘keyboard_double_arrow_rightSkipped‘ and was not counted.

Performing a stocktake

  1. Go to the ‘Stocktake’ page of the stocktake you wish to perform.
  2. Click on the ‘Perform Stocktake’ button.
  3. On the ‘Perform Stocktake’ page, a dashboard will show the items remaining and your overall progress.
  4. Below that, you will see 2 lists:
    1. ‘Remaining‘ - Stock that has not been counted yet. The prior quantity is displayed here.
    2. ‘Counted‘ - Stock that has already been counted. The count, movement, and status of each stock will be displayed here.

Recording your first count

  1. There are three ways to start counting for your stocktake:

    • Option 1: Clicking on the ‘edit_note Record Count‘ button on each stock under the ‘Remaining List‘ will open the ‘Record Count‘ modal.
    • Option 2: Scanning any of the valid barcodes using a physical barcode scanner or the ‘camera_alt Scan via Camera‘ button next to the ‘Search bar‘.
      • Valid Barcodes:
      1. Compound Direct printed barcodes
      2. Medisca barcodes
    • Option 3: Searching for the stock name or barcode on the ‘Search bar‘ and hitting Enter will immediately open the ‘Record Count‘ modal for the first stock found.
  2. Once the ‘Record Count‘ modal has been opened, you will be able to record the count for that stock. The stock name, lot number (if applicable), expiry date (if applicable), and the next stock's name are displayed on this modal.

    • If a batch has already expired, you will be given the option to close the batch instead. This will still move the stock from the ‘Remaining‘ list to the ‘Counted‘ list but will be marked as ‘closeClosed‘.
    • If multiple individuals are performing the stocktake, and the stock on your list has already been counted, skipped, or closed by another person, a notification will appear above the stock name detailing the ‘Status‘, ‘Prior Quantity‘, ‘Recorded Count‘, and ‘Performed By/On‘.
    • The modes available for recording counts will vary depending on the stock type.

      • Stock TypeWeigh ModeCount ModeScan Mode
        Ingredients (Dry)checkcheck
        Ingredients (Liquid)check
        Batch Stockcheck
        Commercial Drugscheckcheck
        Retail Productscheckcheck

      • Weigh Mode
      1. In this mode, you can record the weight of the stock using any connected balance.
      • See the Balance Setup tutorial for more information on how to set up your balance.
      1. An option to subtract the total container weight is available by ticking the ‘Subtract total container weight‘ checkbox, this can be toggled on/off for each recorded weight.
      2. Once a weight is confirmed, you will be shown a weight summary where you can see the recorded weight, the total container weight, and the batch weight.
      3. To remove a recorded weight, click on the remove_circle_outline button next to the weight in the weight summary table.
      4. To record another weight, click on the ‘Continue Weighing‘ button.
      5. Once all weights have been recorded, you can verify the ‘Total‘ below the table. A variance indicator and variance percentage will appear beside the total if the total weight recorded arrow_upward significantly exceeds or is arrow_downward less than the expected total weight.

      • Count Mode
      1. In this mode, you can record the count by manually pressing the count button.
      2. The increment can be changed by selecting one of the preset options (by default, it is set to 1) in the drop-down menu next to the ‘Count‘ button or by manually entering a custom value.
      • If the count is not recorded correctly, you can directly edit the value in the ‘Count‘ field.

      • Scan Mode
      1. This mode will look similar to Count Mode, but the count will only increment when the correct barcode is scanned using a physical barcode scanner or the ‘camera_alt Scan via Camera‘ link.
  3. Click on the ‘Save & Next‘ button once you have verified the count to save the quantity and proceed to the next stock.

    • You may also choose to skip the count for the current stock by ticking the ‘Skip stocktake for this item‘ checkbox. This will still move the stock from the ‘Remaining‘ list to the ‘Counted‘ list but will be marked as ‘keyboard_double_arrow_rightSkipped‘.
  4. Click on the ‘Previous‘ button if you wish to go back to the previous stock.

    • In the case that you need to redo a count for a stock that has already been counted, you can do so by clicking on the more_vert icon for that stock in the ‘Counted‘ list.
  5. You will continue to progress through the ‘Remaining List‘ automatically until all the stock have been counted.

    • You can use the ‘Search bar‘ to narrow down the list of stock to be counted since the order of progression will be based on what is currently displayed on the list. Once that list is exhausted, the search bar will clear and display the full list of remaining items.

Finalising your stocktake

  1. Once you are satisfied with your counts, you can now proceed to finalize your stocktake by either clicking on the ‘Mark as Complete‘ button on the top of the ‘Perform Stocktake’ page or by clicking More Actions → Mark as Complete option.
    • If your stocktake update mode is set to ‘On Completion‘, the stock quantity will be updated once it is marked as ‘Completed’
    • Once a stocktake has been marked as ‘Completed’ regardless of the update mode, you will not be able to go back and do/redo the count for that stocktake.
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