Batch Stock

Batch stock is a tool which allows the preparation of a single compound to be used for multiple patients to increase the efficiency of a preparation. It is typically used in the pharmaceutical manufacturing of large amounts of a particular medicine. It is important to stay up to date with the most current legislation in your region regarding the use of batch stock in compounding.

Finding batch stock

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Click on the ‘Batch Stock & Drugs’ button.
  3. A list of batch stock is shown under 'Batch Stock & Drugs' including their stock on hand and days until expiry
    1. A ‘Low Stock’ alert will also appear here when relevant.
    2. Days until expiry is displayed under ‘Days Till Expiry’. An ‘Expiring Soon’ alert will also appear here when relevant.
  4. To find your desired batch stock you may either:
    1. Find the name in the list. This can be simplified by adding filters:
      1. Click on the ‘With Tag’ drop-down menu and select a tag from the list to apply to the search.
      2. Click on the ‘Search Supplier’ drop-down menu and select a supplier from the list to apply to the search.
      3. Click ‘Show Archived’ to display archived batch stock in the list.
      4. Click on the three vertical dots to click on ‘Show low stock only’.
    2. Begin typing the name of the batch stock into the search bar and select the desired batch stock from the list.
  5. Hovering over the name of the batch stock will display a summary of the batch stock history of use which can be displayed at different time intervals
  • Add minimum stock on hand for each batch stock to highlight stock that drops past the required amount on hand.

Creating a batch stock

  • Batch stocks are based on a formulation which has been created and signed-off. Therefore, to create a new batch stock you must create a new formulation or use an existing formulation - see creating a new formulation tutorial to see how this is done. Once a new formulation has been created it must be signed-off and then it may be converted to batch stock. Once converted to batch stock it will appear in the list on the Batch Stock page.

Editing a batch stock

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Click on the ‘Batch Stock & Drugs’ button.
  3. Find the desired batch stock and click on the name of the batch stock to begin editing.
  4. Under ‘Recent Batches’ a list of batches with stock are displayed including their ‘Lot/Batch No.’, ‘Date Created’, ‘Quantity’ and ‘Expiry Date’. Open batches are marked with an ‘Open’ label near the lot/batch No. Available stock on hand and total stock on hand are also shown.
    1. To view all batches, click on the ‘Batch History’ button to display a list of all previous batches including those with no quantity.
  5. Click on the ‘Manufacture Batch’ button to add a new batch to the system.
  6. Under ‘Image’ edit or add an image for the batch stock
    • Take or choose a photo using a mobile or tablet to upload straight from your camera to the batch stock
  7. The batch stock formulation will be displayed under ‘Formulation’, click ‘View’ to go to the formulation page.
  8. Under 'Collections', add the formulation to any existing collection for easy identification when creating drafts.
  9. Under ‘History’, the history of use for the batch stock is shown including an interactive graph which can be set at different time frames. The total use of the batch stock at the selected time frame is also seen under ‘Use over the last year’.
  10. Under ‘Tags’, current batch stock tags can be seen, added, or removed.
    • Tags are used to aid in searching and can also be used as a form of communication to other users. E.g. indicating a batch stock is hazardous or in the fridge.
    1. Click on the drop-down menu to add a tag that has already been created in the system to the batch stock.
    2. To create a new tag, begin typing the desired tag under ‘Tags’ and press the Enter / Return key to add it.
    3. To remove a tag click on the close near its name.
  11. Add or edit formulation documents to the batch stock as required under ‘Formulation documents’.
  12. Click on the edit button near the batch stock name or hover over the overview information and click on the edit icon to begin editing the batch stock details.
    1. Edit the ‘Name’, ‘Description’.
    2. Enter the ‘Weight per Unit’ of the batch stock if you want to enable balance verification of allocated batch stock.
    3. Mark the stock as liquid if true under ‘Liquid Status’.
    • If the formulation uses a liquid based calculation method an error will appear. Mixing different measurement units (grams and mL's) can lead to errors in dispensing.
    1. Add or edit the stock image.
    2. Under ‘Alerts’, edit the alerts for ‘Minimum Stock on Hand’ and ‘Minimum Days Till Expiry’ as required.
      1. When the total stock on hand is below this value a ‘Low stock’ alert will be given to the user when searching for the batch stock or on the ordering dashboard.
      2. When the days until expiry are below the alert period an ‘Expiring Soon’ alert will be given to the user when searching for the batch stock or on the ordering dashboard.
    3. Edit the batch allocation function as desired.
    4. Under ‘Tags’ current ingredient tags can be seen, added, or removed.
  13. After all edits are made click on the ‘Save’ button to save all changes to the batch stock.

Manufacturing a new batch of stock

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Click on the ‘Batch Stock & Drugs’ button.
  3. Find the desired batch stock and click on the name of the batch stock to begin editing.
  4. Click on the ‘Add Batch’ button to add a new batch stock lot.
    • When editing batch stock that are manufactured internally, click on the ‘Manufacture Batch’ button and select the quantity to be made. This will create a new dispensing with the formulation for this stock as well a new batch to track the allocation of this stock to other dispensed scripts.
  5. Add the details of the batch including the ‘Quantity’, ‘Supplier’, ‘Supplier Lot/Batch No.’, ‘Date Packaged (by supplier)’ and ‘Expiry date’.
    • The quantity reflects the current quantity of the batch and will change as the ingredient is used.
  6. Add the pricing details including the ‘Quantity purchased’, ‘Purchase Price’ and ‘Cost Per Gram’.
    • A faint prefilled text will appear under ‘Quantity Purchased’ when blank, with the current quantity of the batch as a recommended value when first put in.
  7. When reviewed by a pharmacist, check the box for ‘Approved for use’ to allow the batch to be used. This may be done later after the batch has been created.
    • This allows for non-pharmacist users to enter batch details into the system to be approved by a pharmacist before use.
  8. After all edits are made click on the ‘Create’ button to create the new batch.

Editing a batch stock lot

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Click on the ‘Batch Stock & Drugs’ button.
  3. Find the desired batch stock and click on the name of the batch stock to begin editing.
  4. Click on the desired batch to be edited under ‘Recent Batches’ or have a look for all batches under ‘View All’.
  5. When editing batch stock that have not been approved for use, any edits can be made to the batch.
  6. When editing batch stock that have been approved for use the following edits can be made.
    1. Edit the Quantity of the batch as appropriate by clicking on the edit icon under ‘Quantity’ and adding a reason for the adjustment.
    2. Click on the ‘Show History’ for a summary of the ‘Total Quantity Used’. A list of all the times the ingredient has been used in a script or reason for changing the quantity are also shown including the quantity used and the date of use.
    • Your usage history for the batch can be exported as an excel document for further functionality.
  7. To make further edits to the batch, un-approve the batch for use by unchecking the ‘Approved for use’ box.
  8. To print a batch label click on the ‘More actions’ button, then click on ‘Print Label (Preview)’ to select the printer and look at the label. Click ‘Print’ to print a label. To directly print a label without a preview click on the ‘Print Label’ button instead.
  9. When editing batches that are manufactured internally, the batch formulation will be displayed under ‘Formulation’ and the list of batches used to create the batch stock will be displayed under ‘Batches Used’.
  10. Once all edits have been made and the batch has been approved, check the ‘Approved for use’ box or click on the takeout_dining ‘Approve’ button.
  11. Once the batch is ready for use, click on the takeout_dining ‘Open’ button to open the batch.
  12. To close a batch click on the close button.
    1. Only closed batches can be marked as un-approved for use.
  13. After all edits are made click on the ‘Save’ button to save all changes to the ingredient batch.
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