Balance Setup

The Compound Direct Balance Brick is used to live stream your balance weight into the cloud so that the weight can be verified. Balances can only be connected to Compound Direct via your balance brick

Supported balances

If your balance is not listed here it is likely still supported as we support up to 40 brands of balances, however these are a list of balances that have been physically tested and verified by our team.

  • • A&D FX & FZ Series
  • • A&D GX & GF Series
  • • A&D EK Series
  • • Vibra AB Series
  • • Vibra AJ Series
  • • Vibra ALE Series
  • • OHaus Scout
  • • OHaus Adventurer
  • • OHaus Defender
  • • OHaus Navigator
  • • OHaus Pioneer
  • • OHaus Ranger
  • • Radwag AS X2.PLUS
  • • Radwag PS X2
  • • Radwag WLC X2
  • • Mettler Toledo AB104-S
  • • Mettler Toledo MS303
  • • Mettler Toledo MS104
  • • Mettler Toledo XPR limited support

Toubleshooting a balance brick

Quick Checks

  1. Try pressing print on the balance

  2. Restart the balance & balance brick.

  3. Check all cables and connections

  4. Check that the balance brick has power (you need to wait at least 1 minute after plugging the power in)

  5. Restart your Router (if the balance brick is connected via WiFi)

Why isn't my balance showing up?

Balances only exist for 45 seconds after printing.

This means that a balance needs to be continuously printing in order to be visible.

Adjust your balance to print on regular short intervals or expect that a balance might not be visible until print is pressed.

If your balance is set to print on stable, then the weight might not be available if it is measuring 0g.

A&D balance setup (GX/GF/FZ/FX)

Use the A&D balance simulator to understand how to configure your balance.

Hold down sample to enter menu.

  1. Ensure the balance is turned on.

  2. Hold down sample to enter menu. Once entered you should see BASFnc

  3. Press sample 4-5 times to navigate to dout option.

  4. Press print to enter dout submenu. You should see Prt 0

  5. Press zero (red button) three times to set to streaming (3)

  6. Press print, this will show END and then after one second show SiF

  7. Press print to enter SiF submenu. You should see bPS (2)

    • For some models (A&D GX6038), this may go to mode first and you need to press sample to go to bPS.
  8. Press zero (red button) twice to set baud (bPS) to 9600 (4)

  9. Press sample go to the next option. You should see btPr (0)

  10. Press zero (red button) twice to set to 8bits and none (2)

  11. Press sample go to the next option. You should see CrLF (0)

  12. Press sample go to the next option. You should see TYPE (0)

    • If type is 1, press re-zero until it reaches 0.
  13. Press print to save

  14. Press calibrate to exit

A&D balance setup (EK)

  1. Turn OFF the balance.

  2. With the power turned OFF, press and hold the RE-ZERO key and press the ON/OFF key to turn the power ON and enter the function setting mode. If done correctly, you should see Func

  3. Press print to enter Func submenu. You should see PoFF 0

  4. Press sample 6 times to navigate to Prt option.

  5. Press RE-ZERO (red button) two times to set to streaming (4)

  6. Press sample 2-3 times to navigate to BPS (0)

  7. Press RE-ZERO (red button) twice to set to 9600 (2)

  8. Press sample go to the next option. You should see btPr (0)

  9. Press RE-ZERO (red button) twice to set to 8bits and none (2)

  10. Press print to save. This will show End and then CP Hi

  11. Press restart the balance.

OHaus Pioneer/Ranger balance setup

  1. Hold down menu until it says Cal
  2. Press No/Print until Print is displayed
  3. Press Yes/Zero to enter Print Menu
  4. Press No until we get to the AutoPrint/APrint option
  5. Press Yes to enter AutoPrint
  6. Press No until the Continuous option
  7. Press Yes to confirm
  8. Restart the balance

OHaus Defender balance setup

  1. Open Menu (use up and down buttons and tick to move forward into sub menu)
  2. Press down to 7 Communication, press tick
  3. Press Down once to Print Setup, press tick
  4. Press tick for assignment
  5. Press tick demand option, cycle through options, by pressing down to OH Continous
  6. Press exit button (circle with arrow out)
  7. Restart the balance

OHaus Adventurer balance setup

  1. Open communication settings
  2. Tap print settings
  3. Set auto print continuous
  4. Restart the balance

Vibra AB/AJ balance setup

  1. Ensure the balance is turned on.
  2. Press and hold down the Function key until the indicator changes to “FUNC” then release the key. Once complete, you should see 1 b.G.
  3. Press function six times to navigate to 7 1.F. (1) option.
  4. Press the tare button three times, until it reaches 7 1.F. (4)
    • For AJ Models only press the tare button once, until it reaches (2).
  5. Press function once, it should display 7 1 o.c. (7) option.
  6. Press the tare button two times, until it reaches 7 1 o.c. (1)
  7. Press function once, it should display 7 2 b.L. (1) option.
  8. Press the tare button three times, until it reaches 7 2 b.L. (4)
  9. Press set to close the menu

Vibra ALE balance setup

  1. press down until we reach external i/o
  2. press right to get to rs232
  3. press right to get to ACTIVATE
  4. should say OFF, press f4 ('enter') to set to ON
  5. press down to get to FORMAT
  6. should say CBM
  7. press down to get to CONDITION
  8. should say '7' press f4 ('enter') util it reaches '2' (print on stable)
  9. press down twice until we reach BAUD RATE
  10. should say 1200, press f4 ('enter') until we reach 9600
  11. press down to PARITY
  12. press down to STOP BIT
  13. should say 2BIT, press f4 ('enter') to set to 1BIT

Radwag X2 (AS/PS/WLC)

  1. Ensure the balance is turned on.
  2. Press the Person button (4th icon from right at the bottom)
  3. Select "Admin".
  4. Enter default password "1111".
    • If you have setup a custom admin password enter that instead. If the password is unknown you may need to factory reset the balance.
  5. Press the Tick in the bottom right to confirm.
  6. Ensure the balance user is "Admin" in the bottom right corner under "User:"
  7. Press the settings button (bottom left corner)
  8. Scroll down slightly and press the "Communication" button.
  9. Ensure COM1 is selected.
  10. Press back. (middle left)
  11. Scroll down slightly and press the "Peripherals" button.
  12. Press the 'Computer' button.
  13. Select 'Continuos Transmission"
  14. Select 'Current Unit'
  15. Press back. (middle left)
  16. Press the 'Printer' button.
  17. Set the Baud Rate to 9600.
  18. Ensure the Data Bits is "8", Stop bits is "1" and Parity is "None"
  19. Press back. (middle left)
  20. Press back again to return to normal weighing.
  21. Ensure the cable provided is connected to the COM1 Port.

Sartorius Quintix

  1. Select the menu key at the bottom left of the display.
  2. Press the spanner (bottom left) to enter the setup menu
  3. Scroll down to the USB port settings
  4. Select RS-232 Configuration
  5. Select Parity. You will see odd as default.
  6. Change to none
  7. Press the tick (top right)
  8. Exit the menu by pressing back

Mettler Toledo AB104-S

  1. In weighing mode, press and hold down the «Cal/Menu» key until “MENU” appears in the display. Release the key.
  2. Press Cal/Menu until you reach 'PrintEr' or until your reach "HOST"
  3. Press F repeat once until it says 'HOST'.
  4. Press Cal/Menu twice until you reach 'S-oFF' or 'S. Stb' or 'S. Cont'
  5. Press F repeat until it says 'S. Cont'
    • It can be either set to 'Continuos' or 'Stable'. If you pref the weights to be displayed only when Stable, select the stable option.
  6. Press Cal/Menu once until you reach 'bd 2400' or bd XXXX
  7. Press F repeat until it says 'bd 9600'
  8. Press Cal/Menu once until you reach '7b-E' or '7b-no' or '8b-no' or '7b-odd'
  9. Press F repeat until it says '8b-no'
  10. Hold down Cal/Menu until it shows 'Stored' on the display. Release.
  11. If the balance does not appear immediately, retry the above and ensure the following settings are correct: HOST, S.Cont, bd 9600, 8b-no

Mettler Toledo XPR

Navigation: Balance menu > Settings > LabX / Services

  1. Navigate to the section LabX / Services.
  2. Set MT-SICS to USB.
  3. Tap Save.
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