Editing Dispensed Scripts

A dispense record represents a official compound that needs to be prepared or an official script that has been recorded into the dispensing software. Before an item can be dispensed, a draft must be created, or a batch manufactured.

Finding a dispense record

  1. Go to the ‘Dispensed’ page.
  2. A list of all dispense records is displayed under the ‘All’ tab showing the ID, customer name, compound name, type, status and date dispensed.
  3. Dispensed records can also be found under the other tabs:
    1. New dispensed records can be found under the ‘New’ tab.
    2. Scripts which have been 'Snooze Dispensed' can be found under the 'Snoozed' tab.
      • This will only appear if this feature has been added to your system. See Snooze dispensing a script tutorial for more information.
    3. Dispensed records which have been compounded can be found under the ‘Completed’ tab.
    4. Scripts where the preparation has been signed-off will appear under the ‘Signed off’ tab.
  4. To find your desired dispensed script you may either:
    1. Begin typing the name of the script/ customer/ ID into the search bar.
    2. Click on the ‘Type’ drop-down menu to filter records by the type of formulation.
    3. Click on the sell icon to display a list of tags to apply to the search.
    4. Click on the ‘More Filters’ button near the search bar to apply more filters to the list.
      1. Click on the ‘Tagged With’ drop-down menu and include either records with a specific Tag or records without a specific Tag to the search.
      2. Click on the ‘Dosage Form’ drop-down menu and select a dosage form to show all records with that dosage form.
      3. Click on the ‘Contents Tagged With’ drop-down menu and include records with a specific Tag inside it or records without a specific Tag inside it to the search.
      4. Click on the ‘Prescribed By’ drop-down menu and select a prescriber from the list to show all records prescribed by that prescriber.
      5. Click on the 'Date Dispensed' drop-down menu and select a date range to filter by.
        1. Click on 'Time Dispensed' to search a time within the 'Date Dispensed' filter.
      6. Click on the ‘Archival Status’ drop-down menu and click on the ‘Show Archived’ box to show archived records.
    5. Click on the ‘Sort By’ button to sort the script list by date or customer name.
    • You can scan a dispense/compound barcode to view that dispense record immediately
  5. Once found click on the desired script to view it.

Viewing a dispense record

  1. Go to the ‘Dispensed’ page.

  2. Find your desired dispense record and click on it.

  3. Click on the ‘View Preparation’ button to open the preparation page.

  4. The system will take you to the preparation overview of the formulation to be made where you can view information including the name, quantity, wastage and more.

  5. On the preparation page Click print to print a product label.

  6. If any ingredients are out of stock, an alert will be displayed to indicate that one or more of the ingredients are out of stock.

    1. Hover over an ingredients name to see the 'Quantity Needed' and the 'Total Stock on Hand'.
  7. Under ‘Ingredients’ a list of ingredients in the preparation are shown including the quantity required and quantity used. The total preparation weight/volume is shown underneath.

    1. To rearrange the ingredients list, drag them by the menu icon. Or
    2. The list of ingredients can be reordered based on quantity required by clicking on ‘QTY REQUIRED’. For formulations which have compounding risk management steps the list of ingredients cannot be rearranged.
    • Formulations with a liquid base will show the QTY REQUIRED as a QS to total volume.
  8. Click on the info icon to display the calculations being used and to see the stock on hand displayed as (open stock / total stock on hand).

    1. Calculations are performed automatically using adjustment factors, liquid densities, and packing statistics according to the settings selected.
  9. Once an ingredient has been added the info will change to either.

    1. arrow_downward if the quantity used is below the quantity required.

    2. close if the quantity used is above the quantity required.

    3. check if the quantity used matches the quantity required within the chosen compounding accuracy tolerance.

    4. Once an ingredient has been added the calculations will be made based on the quantity used instead and can be viewed by clicking on the new icon.

    • The system dynamically changes calculations based on specific dosage form, ingredient batch and quantity values put into the system. Therefore, changing any of these values will alter the quantity required and potentially change the preparation.
  10. Under ‘Batches Used’ a list of batches used to create the formulation will be displayed including the Quantity Used, Batch Expiry, user it was Added By and when it was added.

  11. Under ‘Devices’ a list of devices linked to the dosage form selected are displayed.

    1. If there are not enough units of devices the quantity will be displayed as red and show how many out of the total have been added.
      • If the selected device has been approved for negative stock on hand, this alert will not appear.
    2. Click on the name of the device to view the overview page. Edit the variant units by clicking on the edit icon under ‘Quantity’ when new stock arrives.
    3. To fulfil the remainder of the units, click on the ‘+ Allocate Remainder’ to allocate new stock.
  12. To edit devices for the preparation click on the ‘Edit Devices’ button.

    1. Edit the quantity or remove a device if necessary.
    2. To add another device click on the ‘Add Device’ button.
    • See Consumables tutorial for more information on how to add a new device.
  13. Under 'Activity', type notes into the text field provided and click enter to add.

    1. A complete list of current ‘Notes’ will be displayed to everyone.
    2. Changes made to the preparation will also be recorded here.
  14. Under ‘Files’ a list of files uploaded can be seen. To add a new file click ‘+ Upload File’ or drag a file into the space provided.

  15. Lab Technician/Pharmacist should take any necessary preparation steps before proceeding with compounding.

  16. Once ready click on the ‘Start Preparation’ button to begin compounding.

Editing Dispense Records

  • Once a script has been signed off, only users with the 'Edit Dispensed Scripts' special permission can edit the dispensed script. See Users and Roles tutorial for more information on changing user permissions.

  1. Go to the ‘Dispensed’ page.

  2. Select the appropriate dispense record or search by compound name, id or patient.

  3. Click on the edit button (the dispense record will determine the editing options):

    Dispense record differences:

    1. Compound
    2. Compound Group
    3. Batch Manufacture
    4. Batch Stock
    5. Commercial Drugs

Exporting a dispense record

  1. Go to the ‘Dispensed’ page.
  2. Select the appropriate dispense record or search by compound name, id or patient.
  3. Select the 'More action' drop down menu and click Export.
  4. Select the required the information you would like to include in your export.
  5. Click 'Export'.

Editing a Compound or Batch Manufacture dispense record:

Editing options within Compound or Batch Manufacture dispense records will include General Details, select Compounding details, Prescription Details and Tags.

  1. Select relevant fields in the ‘General’ section and edit as required. Compound price for Batch Manufacture Records are set within the Batch Details for the Batch Manufacture.
  2. Select relevant fields in the 'Compounding ' section and edit as required. To change the formulation, ingredients and their strengths the record must be deleted and re-dispensed.
  3. For individual 'Compound' records, select relevant fields in the 'Prescription Details' and edit as required. Any changes within these parameters, will update all other scripts for the original as well. standard Package
  4. In the 'tags' section delete any tags no longer needed by hovering over the tag and clicking on the 'x'. To add new tags, type in the name of the tag in the drop down menu and then press enter.
  5. Press 'save'

Editing a Batch Stock or Commercial Drug dispense record:

Editing options within Batch Stock or Commercial Drug dispense records will include General Details, Prescription Details and Tags.

  1. Select relevant fields in the ‘General’ section and edit as required.
  2. Select relevant fields in the 'Prescription Details' and edit as required. Any changes within these parameters, will update all other scripts for the original as well. standard Package
  3. In the 'tags' section delete any tags no longer needed by hovering over the tag and clicking on the 'x'. To add new tags, type in the name of the tag in the drop down menu and then press enter.
  4. Press 'save'

How to allocate batch stock

  1. Select the script to be allocated to a batch stock on the ’Dispensed/New’ tab.
  2. The system will take you directly to the dispense overview page, displaying an overview of batch stock available for allocation and the required quantity needed for the selected dispense.
    1. The batch stock name and quantity at the top of the page.
    2. Batches of the dispensed batch stock are listed as lot numbers under the ’confirm and allocate’ title.
  3. Identify the appropriate batch for allocation and select the stock in one of the following ways:
    1. Handheld scanner and scan the batch stock with scanner or using the device scanner
    2. Tablet/iPad: select ’Scan via Camera’ and scan the batch stock with scanner
    3. No connected device/scanner: select ’Enter lot Number’ and manually enter the batch/lot number
  4. Once successfully matched, the system will automatically assume the quantity being allocated from the selected batch. This batch allocation may be in full or a partial allocation based on the available quantity in the selected batch.
    1. The quantity automatically allocated can be manually adjusted by clicking in the ’Quantity Used’ field and manually adjusting.
    2. Partial allocation: in the case that the selected batch did not have enough SOH, an Insufficient Quantity warning will be displayed. Repeat step 3 which will allow you to add the remaining quantity from another batch.
  5. If the quantity needed for dispensing matches the allocated stock, the quantity used and quantity required figures will be displayed in green.
  6. The Pharmacist responsible for the final sign-off can now view and check all data on the dispensed script to make a decision to ’Sign-off’ to complete the dispensing process.
    1. Ensure all regulatory requirements are met when creating and handling stock batches as per the Pharmacy Board of Australia Guidelines on the compounding of medicines.

How to barcode check commercial drugs

  1. Select the dispensing record in the ’Dispensed’ tab.
  2. The system will take you directly to the dispense overview page, displaying an overview of the dispense record.
  3. The barcode check can be completed at any time during the dispense process. Scan the barcode on the appropriate drug with your connected scanners.
  4. The 'Barcode Check' section of the Risk Assessment will indicate if the Barcode Check has been completed. A barcode will need to be attached to the Drug item to complete the Barcode Check.
  5. Multiple items can be scanned within the same dispense record.
    • For reporting records on completed 'Barcode Checks' go to Settings-Reports-Barcode Checks
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