
Formulations provide more functionality than once off Drafts. Using formulations allows you to track the use of a formula, add pricing, defaults, custom devices and documentation. Formulation steps can be added to describe standard operating procedures at any point of compounding a medicine.

Finding a formulation

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Click on the ‘Formulations’ button.
  3. To find your desired formulation you may either:
  4. Find the formulation in the list. This can be simplified by adding filters.
  5. Click on the ‘Type’ tab near the search bar to filter the formulation list by either Batch Stock, ingredient, or all.
  6. Batch stock formulations are used to create stock on hand for multiple patients.
  7. Ingredient formulations are used to create ingredients for other formulations. Typically in the form of dilutions.
  8. Click on the ‘More Filters’ tab near the search bar to apply other filters to the list.
  9. Click on the ‘Archived’ drop-down menu and click ‘Show Archived’ to display archived formulations in the list.
  10. Click on the ‘Contents Tagged With’ drop-down menu and include either ingredients with a specific Tag or ingredients without a specific Tag to the search.
  11. The system will apply the rule to any formulation including an ingredient with the specific tag.
  12. Begin typing the name of the formulation into the search bar and select the desired formulation from the list.

Creating a new formulation

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Click on the ‘Formulations’ button.
  3. Click on the ‘New Formulation’ button.
  4. Under ‘Dosage Form’ select the appropriate option for the new formulation to apply a set of defaults to the formulation.
    • See Dosage Forms tutorial for more information and a list of default settings for each dosage form.
  5. Set the expiry days, final units and wastage percent as desired.
  6. Add ingredients to the formulation as necessary.
  7. Under ‘Schedule’, select the appropriate Schedule for the formulation.
  8. Under 'Labels', select the desired standardised label to be added to the final product.
  9. Under 'Collections', add the formulation to any existing collection for easy identification when creating drafts.
  10. After all edits are made click on the ‘Create’ button to create the new formulation.

Adding ingredients to a formulation

  1. Under ‘ingredient’, search for an ingredient to be added by name.
    • Ingredients in a formulation can be either an active, excipient or base ingredient. The default role is selected when adding an ingredient into the system. See Ingredients tutorial.
  2. When a new ingredient is added its role (active, excipient or base) is shown next to it.
  3. The role of an ingredient can be changed by clicking on the more_vert icon for that ingredient and selecting another role. This will change how it acts within the calculation system.
  4. For each ingredient ensure the required details are added depending on the role.
    • When adding a new active ingredient, ensure the strength is included in the units specific to each ingredient. See ingredients tutorial.
    1. When adding a new excipient, adjust the percentage of the excipient in the final formulation as desired.
    2. When adding a new base, the system will adjust the percentage of the base in the final formula to reach 100%.
      1. If a base has already been added to the formulation, adding a new ingredient pre-set as a base will appear as an excipient in the formula. To alter the role of an ingredient, change the role by clicking on the more_vert icon.
    • Hint: to enter via weight in grams instead, click on the slider next to ‘Enter via weight in grams’.
  5. Click on the info icon to display the calculations being used and to see the stock on hand displayed as (open stock / total stock on hand).
    1. Calculations are performed automatically using adjustment factors, liquid densities, and packing statistics, specific to the batch selected as required for each dosage form.
    2. To see the batch currently selected for the formulation click on the launch icon.
      • The quantity, supplier, batch number, expiry date and other important batch information can be found on this page. See Ingredient Batch tutorial
    3. To see a list of all batches with remaining stock, click on the launch icon then on the ingredients name to go to the ingredient page.
      1. A list of all batches with stock on hand will appear under ‘Recent Batches’.
      2. To change the order of which batch should be primarily allocated during compounding, click on the ‘Allocation’ tab under ‘Stock Management’.
      3. Set the batch allocation function as desired to either:
        1. Use the batch that is first to expire.
        2. Use the oldest batch first.
        3. Use the batch with the least quantity first.
  6. Reorder the list of ingredients as desired by dragging the menu icon to move the ingredient to the desired location.

Editing a formulation

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Click on the ‘Formulations’ button.
  3. Find the desired formulation and click on the name to begin editing.
  4. Under ‘Schedule’, select the appropriate Schedule for the formulation.
  5. Under 'Labels', select the desired standardised label to be added to the final product.
  6. Under 'Collections', add the formulation to any existing collection for easy identification when creating drafts.

Default directions for use

  1. Under ‘Default directions for use’, type in default patient instructions.
    1. This will appear on the final product label when using this formulation. This may be edited later in the process as well.


  1. Under ‘Pricing’ a list of all default prices will be displayed for the formulation.
  2. To add a new default price, select ‘+ Add Price’.
  3. Add a quantity for the final product.
    1. The product units are based on the dosage form selected.
  4. Select an appropriate price for the quantity specified.
  5. Click ‘Done’ to add or edit the price on the formulation.
  6. To delete a default price, click on the close button.
  7. To edit a default price, click on the price and make a change.

Risk management

  1. Under ‘Risk Management’ a list of all risk management steps for the formulation will be displayed.
  2. To add a new risk management step, click on ‘+ Add Step’.
  3. Select the desired risk management step:
    • Pre-dispense Checklist
      1. Pre-dispense checklists allow a set of tasks to be assigned to a user before a script is dispensed.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the checklist.
      3. If required, click ‘+ Add Description’ and type in a description of the checklist to be viewed by the user when using the checklist.
      4. Add tasks to the checklist by typing the task under ‘Checklist’.
      5. Check the box for ‘Required to continue’ to require all checklist tasks be completed before continuing.
      6. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
    • Pre-dispense Alert
      1. Pre-dispense alerts allow a set of notes to be shown to a user before a script is dispensed under 'Risk Assessment'.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the alert.
      3. Add a description of the alert to be viewed by the user before dispensing.
      4. Select an 'Importance' for the alert by clicking on the drop-down menu
      5. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
    • Risk Assessment Survey
      1. Risk assessment surveys allow a set of questions to be asked to a user before a script is dispensed under 'Risk Assessment'.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the risk assessment survey.
      3. Add a description of the risk assessment survey to be viewed by the user before dispensing.
      4. Select the desired risk assessment survey from the drop-down menu.
      • Only risk assessment surveys created under the ‘Dispense Risk Assessment’ section will appear here.
      • Alternatively, if you have not created a survey yet you can click on Create a Survey. This will take you to the ‘Create Survey’ page.
      1. Select the appropriate conditionality for the step.
      2. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
    • Checklist
      1. Checklists allow a set of tasks to be assigned to a user whilst compounding the preparation.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the checklist.
      3. If required, click ‘+ Add Description’ and type in a description of the checklist to be viewed by the user when using the checklist.
      4. Add tasks to the checklist by typing the task under ‘Checklist’.
      5. Check the box for ‘Required to continue’ to require all checklist tasks be completed before continuing.
      6. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
      7. When created, the checklist will appear at the top of the ingredient list and be displayed to the user whenever the preparation begins to be compounded.
      8. To display the checklist at different points to the user, drag the checklist by the menu icon to the desired step in the preparation.
    • Information
      1. 'Information' allows instructions to be given to a user preparing a compound at different points in the process.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the 'Information' step.
      3. Under ‘Description’ type in the desired instructions for the user.
      4. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
      5. When created, the 'Information' step will appear at the top of the ingredient list and be displayed to the user whenever the preparation begins to be compounded.
      6. To display the information at different points to the user, drag the information step by the menu icon to the desired step in the preparation.
    • Photo
      1. Photo directs users preparing a compound to take a photo at different points in the process.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the photo.
      3. Under ‘Description’ type in the desired instructions for the user.
      4. Check the box for ‘Required to continue’ to require a photo be taken when prompted before continuing.
      5. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
      6. When created, the photo will appear at the top of the ingredient list and be displayed to the user whenever the preparation begins to be compounded.
      7. To display the task at different points to the user, drag the task by the menu icon to the desired step in the preparation.
    • Timer
      1. The ‘Timer’ directs users preparing a compound to wait at different points in the process before continuing.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the Timer.
      3. If required, click ‘+ Add Description’ and type in a description of the Timer to be viewed by the user when using the Timer.
      4. Set the desired length of the timer in seconds under ‘Seconds Duration’.
      5. Check the box for ‘Required to continue’ to require the Timer be followed, when prompted, before continuing.
      6. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
      7. When created, the Timer will appear at the top of the ingredient list and be displayed to the user whenever the preparation begins to be compounded.
      8. To display the Timer at different points to the user, drag the Timer by the menu icon to the desired step in the preparation.
    • Weigh

      1. The ‘Weigh’ step directs users preparing a compound to weigh an item before continuing.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the ‘Weigh’ step.
      3. Add a description to be viewed by the user when weighing such as the desired item to be weighed or necessary weight.
      4. Check the box for ‘Required to continue’ to require the weight be recorded when prompted before continuing.
      5. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
      6. When created, the ‘Weigh’ step will appear at the top of the ingredient list and be displayed to the user whenever the preparation begins to be compounded.
      7. To display the Weigh step at different points to the user, drag the ‘Weigh’ by the menu icon to the desired step in the preparation.
    • Write
      1. The ‘Write’ step directs users preparing a compound to write a note which can be viewed by other staff viewing the preparation.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the ‘Write’.
      3. Add a description to be viewed by the user when writing.
      4. Check the box for ‘Required to continue’ to require a note be recorded in the ‘Write’ step when prompted before continuing.
      5. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
      6. When created, the ‘Write’ will appear at the top of the ingredient list and be displayed to the user whenever the preparation begins to be compounded.
      7. To display the ‘Write’ prompt at different points to the user, drag the Weigh by the menu icon to the desired step in the preparation.
    • Stopwatch
      1. The 'Stopwatch’ step directs users to start and stop a stopwatch which can be used to time tasks.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the 'Stopwatch’.
      3. Add a description to be viewed by the user when using the 'Stopwatch’.
      4. Check the box for ‘Required to continue’ to require the 'Stopwatch’ be completed before continuing.
      5. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
      6. When created, the 'Stopwatch’ will appear at the top of the ingredient list and be displayed to the user whenever the preparation is opened.
      7. To display the 'Stopwatch’ prompt at different points to the user, drag the stopwatch by the menu icon to the desired step in the preparation.
    • Count
      1. The 'Count' step directs users to establish an average weight per unit and then weigh a sample of units to count the number of units within the sample.
      2. Under ‘Name’ set the desired name of the 'Count'.
      3. Add a description to be viewed by the user when using the 'Count'.
      4. Check the box for 'Conditionality' to require the 'Count' be completed before continuing.
      5. Under 'Theoretical weight' specify if the theoretical weight per unit or average weight per unit will be used.
      6. If the average weight per unit has been selected, specify the *'Number of units' required to establish the average weight per unit.
      7. Under 'Rounding' select how the weight will be rounded.
      8. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.
      9. When created, the 'Count' will appear at the top of the ingredient list and be displayed to the user whenever the preparation is opened.
      10. To display the 'Count' prompt at different points to the user, drag the stopwatch by the menu icon to the desired step in the preparation.

Master steps

Master formulation steps allow you to risk management steps across multiple formulations.

  1. To add 'Master Steps', click on ‘+ Add Step’ under 'Risk Management'.
  2. Select 'Master Steps'.
  3. A list of existing 'Master Steps' is shown. Search for a step through the list or by searching by name in the search bar.
  4. To add an existing step to the current formulation, click on the add_circle_outline icon.
  5. To add a new step to the list, click on the 'Add a new step'.
  6. Select a risk management step from the list and add it to the list.
  7. When finished with the 'Master Formulation Steps' click on the 'Done' button.

Compound name

  1. The compound name for the new formulation will automatically be generated as a list of active ingredients and their strengths in the order they have been added.
  2. To prevent changes to the compound name as ingredients are added and removed, click on the lock_open icon to lock changes.
  3. A custom name can also be typed under ‘Compound Name’ if desired.
  4. The formulation will always appear as the compound name chosen.

Saving a new formulation

  1. Once all the information and ingredients for the new formulation have been added click on the ‘Create’ button to save the new formulation.
  2. Once a new formulation has been created it can be found in the formulations page and be edited.

Viewing activity

  1. Under 'Activity', type notes into the text field provided and click enter to add.
    1. A complete list of current ‘Notes’ will be displayed to everyone.
    2. Changes made to the formulation will also be recorded here.

Adding documentation

  1. Once a formulation has been created, documents can be added to the formulation page.

Adding devices

  1. Under ‘Devices’ a list of devices linked to the dosage form selected are displayed.
  2. Click on the ‘Inherit’ drop-down menu to toggle between ‘inherit’ from dosage form and ‘Customise for formulation’.
  3. When choosing a custom device, click on the ‘Add Device’ button and add a device from the list.
    • See Consumables tutorial for more information on how to add a new device.

Signing off a formulation

  1. To sign off on a formulation click on the ‘More actions’ drop-down menu and select ‘Sign off’.
  2. Signing off on a formulation will result in.
    1. The date and user at the time it was signed it off being recorded.
    2. The ability to edit the formulas dosage form, final units, expiry days, wastage percent and ingredients list to become restricted.
    3. When a new draft is created using the formula any changes to the ingredient list are highlighted to the user as a deviation from the standard formula.

Converting a formulation to batch stock

  1. A formulation be converted to stock if the formulation is used to generate a product with stock on hand for multiple patients.
  2. Click on the ‘More actions’ drop-down menu and select ‘Convert to batch stock’.
  3. Confirm you wish to Sign off and convert this formulation to a batch stock.
  4. On the following prompt, enter the desired quantity of stock to be created initially, or cancel if you do not wish to create an initial batch right away.
  5. The stock page for the formulation will automatically come up to provide a summary of the stock.

Capsule overfill

Numerous elements impact the final volume of your packing, including, powder particle size, powder interactions, mixing method (such as mortar and pestle grinding), and static charges. Setting an overfill percentage will add extra base ingredient to the formulation at the amount specified. This setting may be useful for capsule formulations where capsules are not completely full when tampered due to unmeasured errors in the formulation. Hence, the overfill can be used to make up the final volume.

To set the capsule overfill function:

  1. find the base ingredient within the formulation and click on the more_vert icon. Within the menu, select 'Set Overflow Percentage'.
  2. Specify the desired overfill percentage if known or select the 'Calculate' button.
  3. Fill in the available sections using the 'Actual weight of base' as the measured weight after adding excess base to your preparation when compounding until the capsule are full and using this weight to determine the future overfill percentage.
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