Get started

Your Compound Direct workspace is the central hub for all your compounding. You can find your workspace by combining your workspace name my-pharmacy + Alternatively you can click here to sign in.


  1. Login to your compound direct workspace using the workspace name you created during sign up.
  2. If you need to reset your password, press 'Forgot Password' at the bottom of the login form start the reset password process.

First steps

  1. Add ingredients to your workspace launch
  2. Create a formulation launch
  3. Create a draft launch
  4. Dispense the draft launch
  5. Compound the script launch
For a full break-down, see the Getting Started Guide here


For the best experience with Compound Direct, our technicians will make sure you are setup correctly with scanners and integrated balances.

  1. Hand held barcode scanner, for either 2d barcodes or QR codes.
  2. Integrated balance via Balance Brick.
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