
Customer cards provide an overview of all customer details, scripts and documents for pharmacists and technicians. They also allow users to send text messages direct to customers.

Finding a customer

  1. Go to the ‘Customers’ page.
  2. Under ‘Customers’ a list of customers is displayed including their email and mobile.
  3. To find the desired customer you may either:
    1. Find the customer in the list.
    2. Begin typing the customer's name / email / phone into the search bar.
    3. Click on the ‘Advanced Search’ button to display other options:
    • Advanced search allows users to search patients by their scripts. These filters apply to the script, not the patient. The "number of scripts" will reflect the number of scripts matching search criteria.
      1. Begin typing the customer's name / email / phone into the search bar.
      2. Click on the sell icon to display a list of tags to apply to the search.
      3. Click on the ‘More Filters’ button near the search bar to apply more filters to the list.
        1. Click on the ‘Tagged With’ drop-down menu and include either customers with a specific Tag or customers without a specific Tag to the search.
        2. Click on the ‘Dosage Form’ drop-down menu and select a dosage form to show all customers which have scripts with that dosage form.
        3. Click on the ‘Contents Tagged With’ drop-down menu and include customers with a specific Tag in their products or customers without a specific Tag.
        4. Click on the ‘Prescribed By’ drop-down menu and select a prescriber from the list to show all customers with scripts prescribed by that prescriber.
        5. Click on the ‘Date Dispensed’ drop-down menu and select a date range to show all scripts dispensed in the range selected.
        6. Click on the ‘Archival Status’ drop-down menu and click on the ‘Show Archived’ box to show archived scripts.
      4. Click on the ‘Sort By’ button to sort the customer list by date or customer name.
  4. Once found click on the customer name to view.

Creating a customer

  1. Go to the ‘Customers’ page.
  2. Click on the 'Create Customer' button.
  3. Add the ‘Customer contact details’ including their name, email address, phone number and address.
  4. Leave an ‘Important note’ for this customer if required.
    1. ‘Important notes’ will be displayed to everyone at the top of the customers page every time it is opened.
    2. The importance of the note can be chosen between:
      1. ‘Default’ – Will set the colour of the note to blue.
      2. ‘Medium’ – Will set the colour of the note to yellow.
      3. ‘High’ – Will set the colour of the note to red.
      4. ‘Show a popup’ – Will set the colour of the note to red and alert the user with a popup every time the customer page is opened.
  5. Add ‘Additional Information’ for the customer. For veterinary customers select if they are a veterinary patient then add the owners name.
  6. Select the billing account if necessary. This will allow you to provide a default account for this customer when creating an order.
  7. Click on the 'Create' button when finished to create the new customer.

Editing customers

  1. Go to the ‘Customers’ page.
  2. Find the customer to edit in the list or directly by typing their name into the search bar.
  3. Click on the customer's name.
  4. Click on the edit button next to the customer's name or hover over the contact information and click on the edit icon to begin editing the customer details.
  5. Edit the ‘Customer contact details’ as required.
  6. Add additional addresses to a contact if required using the 'Add Additional Address' button.
    1. Additional addresses will appear as a list, first showing the 'Primary' address and then any additional addresses added.
    2. Addresses can be edited by clicking on the 'Edit' button.
  7. Leave an ‘Important note’ for this customer if required.
    1. ‘Important notes’ will be displayed to everyone at the top of the customers page every time it is opened.
    2. The importance of the note can be chosen between:
      1. ‘Default’ – Will set the colour of the note to blue.
      2. ‘Medium’ – Will set the colour of the note to yellow.
      3. ‘High’ – Will set the colour of the note to red.
      4. ‘Show a popup’ – Will set the colour of the note to red and alert the user with a popup every time the customer page is opened.
  8. Edit the ‘Additional Information’ for the customer and for veterinary customers select if they are a veterinary patient.
  9. If the customer is a veterinary patient you may provide a owner name so that it can be included on the dispensing label.
  10. Select the billing account if necessary, this will allow you to provide a default account for this customer when creating an order.
  11. Click on the 'Add Medical History' to fill in the customers 'Medical History Questionnaire'.
  12. If necessary to merge and delete all data from one customer into the one selected, click on the ‘More Actions’ drop-down menu and select ‘Merge from other customer’.
    1. Search for then select the desired customer to merge and delete data from and click on the ‘Confirm’ button.

Viewing activity

  1. Go to the ‘Customers’ page.
  2. Find the customer to edit in the list or directly by typing their name into the search bar.
  3. Click on the customer's name.
  4. Within the section labelled ‘Activity’, begin typing a note into the text field provided.
  5. Press enter to add a note.
  6. A complete list of current ‘Notes’ will be displayed to everyone on the right of the customers page every time it is opened.

Adding customer documents

  1. Go to the ‘Customers’ page.
  2. Find the customer to edit in the list or directly by typing their name into the search bar.
  3. Click on the customer's name.
  4. On the right under ‘Documents’ upload a file to be seen by anyone viewing the customer.
  5. A complete list of current ‘Documents’ will be displayed to everyone on the right of the customer's page.

Sending text messages

  1. Go to the ‘Customers’ page.
  2. Find the customer to edit in the list or directly by typing their name into the search bar.
  3. Click on the customer's name.
  4. Within the section labelled ‘Text Messages’, a history of all previous text messages sent to the customer can be seen.
    • The text message history will show all messages that have been sent that are less than a year old - messages older than one year will be archived and not appear here.
  5. To send a new text message, click on the ‘+ Send SMS’ button or click on the sms next to the customer's phone number.
  6. Either:
    1. Enter a new message into the text field.
    2. Click on the ‘Prefill’ button and select from one of the prefilled messages.
  7. Click on the ‘Send’ button when ready to send.
  8. If you want to send out text message at a later time select the drop down arrow next to ‘Send’ button and select ‘Schedule Send’ specify the date and time you want the customer to receive their sms and select ‘Schedule SMS’.
  9. If you need to cancel this schedule sms, scroll down to the section on customers page labelled ‘Text Messages’ and click on the red close next to the scheduled message and select 'Delete SMS'.
  10. If you already have the Two-Way SMS set-up, the text message will be delivered to your email inbox that was set up in the Two-Way SMS Integration in your Compound Direct Software. You can reply directly from the email to the SMS and the customer will receive your reply via SMS to their mobile.


  1. If a message fails to send after 15 minutes a red badge will be shown, you can hover over this badge to find out more about why this message failed to send.
  2. A report of all failed SMS messages can be found in ‘Settings’ -> ‘Reports’ -> ‘Failed SMS’ which includes the customer details and any recognised reason for failure.
    • If a message is failing to send check it is not a home phone number which is not able to receive text messages.

Finding a customer script

  1. Go to the ‘Customers’ page.
  2. Find the desired customer and click on their name to view an overview.
  3. A list of most recent orders within 7 days from sending their quote are displayed at the top.
  4. A list of all original customer scripts is displayed under the ‘Overview’ tab showing the script number, medication, date, status and price.
    • Draft scripts are shown with a ‘D’ in front of their number whilst dispensed scripts do not.
  5. Customer scripts can also be found under the other tabs depending on their status:
    1. Deferred scripts can be found under the ‘Deferred’ tab.
    2. Draft scripts can be found under the ‘Drafts’ tab.
    3. Dispensed scripts can be found under the ‘Dispensed’ tab.
    4. Archived scripts can be found under ‘Archived’.
  6. To view a complete list of all prior scripts for a customer click on the ‘More Actions’ drop-down menu and click ‘View Scripts’.
    1. A searchable list of all dispensed scripts filtered by the customers name can be seen.
  7. Click on a script to view it.
  8. Dispensed scripts can be quickly reordered by clicking on the add_circle_outline icon for the desired script/s and clicking the ‘Reorder’ button.

Adding a customer escript

  1. Go to the ‘Customers’ page.
  2. Find the desired customer and click on their name to view an overview.
  3. Select the previous dispensing record requiring an e-prescription to be added.
  4. Click on the ‘More Actions’ drop-down menu and click ‘Submit Script(eRx)’.
  5. A notification will appear at the top saying 'Paper Prescription - Via eRx advising it's Submitted'.
  6. On the right side of the notification, click on more_vert or keyboard_command_key e and this will list all the ‘E-Prescription Options’. These will include:
  7. ‘Resend Token’ Select which method should be used to send the token ‘SMS’ or ‘Email’ and press ‘Send’,
  8. ‘Evidence of prescription’ Print evidence of your prescription.
  9. ‘Add annotation’ Annotations will be added to the e-prescription and will be included in the token for the next pharmacy/pharmacist.
  10. ‘Full prescription details’ View the full details of this e-prescription.
  11. ‘Reconcile with existing dispense record’ Link this token with an existing dispense record.
  12. ‘E-Prescription settings’ MySL consent preference, send to pharmacy.
  13. ‘Set E-Prescription Contact’ Select which email or mobile will be used to send the repeat token via ‘SMS’ or ‘Email’ or ‘Don't Send’ and press ‘Save’.
  14. ‘Disable e-prescription’ Prevent pharmacies from dispensing this token.
  15. ‘Download audit logs’ Detailed logs for this e-script will download and be saved in your downloads file on your PC.
  16. ‘Repeat Token’ by pressing ‘r’ on your keyboard or select the content_copy next to the token.
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