Email & SMS Templates

These templates create re-usable defaults for the correspondence you would like to send to your customers. They can be customised for when sending quotes via email or SMS to your customers or when sending pre-filled text messages.

Finding Email & SMS templates

  1. Go to the ā€˜Settingsā€™ page.
  2. Click on the 'Templates' button.
  3. Click on the 'Email & SMS templates' button.
  4. A list of templates is shown with the send SMS or Email status.
  5. To find your desired template you may either:
    1. Find the template in the list.
    2. Begin typing the name of the template into the search bar and select the desired template from the list.
  6. Once found click on the template to view it.

Creating a new template

  1. Go to the ā€˜Settingsā€™ page.
  2. Click on the 'Templates' button.
  3. Go to the ā€˜Email & SMS Templatesā€™ tab.
  4. Click on the ā€˜Create Templateā€™ button.
  5. Enter the desired name of the template and select the template type from the drop-down menu.
  6. Under 'SMS Settings', select the Send SMS box to add the contents of the SMS text.
    1. When writing the content for the template use the following place holders for variable information *|CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME|*, *|CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME|*, *|PURCHASE_LINK|*.
  7. Under 'Email Settings', select the Send Email box to add contents of the Email and display Email Design builder.
    1. Enter email subject, sender name and reply email address.
    2. Design the email template layout by dragging across Blocks and Content options on the right hand side of the page into the blank section under the 'Email Design' heading.
    3. Once the template layout is finalised click in the individual sections of the template to write the content or upload relevant images.
    4. Select Body on the right hand side to change general content such as text colour, background colour and alignment.
    5. When writing the content for the template use the following place holders for variable information *|CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME|*, *|CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME|*
  8. Click on ā€˜Save Templateā€™.

Editing a template

  1. Go to the ā€˜Settingsā€™ page.
  2. Click on the 'Templates' button.
  3. Go to the ā€˜Email & SMS Templatesā€™ tab.
  4. Click on the desired template to begin editing.
  5. Edit the desired details.
  6. Click on ā€˜Save Templateā€™.

Deleting a template

  1. Go to the ā€˜Settingsā€™ page.
  2. Click on the 'Templates' button.
  3. Go to the ā€˜Email & SMS Templatesā€™ tab.
  4. Click on the desired template to you want to delete.
  5. Go to ā€˜More Actionsā€™.
  6. Click on ā€˜Deleteā€™.
  7. A notification will pop up with 'Are you sure you want to delete this template?' press ā€˜Deleteā€™.
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