Risk Assessment Surveys

Risk Assessment Surveys are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of patients and customers. They help identify potential health risks related to medication usage, interactions, and lifestyle factors. Through these surveys, pharmacies can personalize consultations, enhance safety protocols, and optimize medication management. Compound Direct allows you to easily gather and assess patient information to provide tailored advice and improve health outcomes.

Finding Risk Assessment Surveys

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Under the ‘Advanced’ section click on ‘Risk Assessment Survey’.
  3. On the ‘Risk Assessment Survey’ page, you will see the list of Patient and Dispense Risk Assessments.

Creating a Risk Assessment Survey

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Under the ‘Advanced’ section click on ‘Risk Assessment Survey’.
  3. On the ‘Risk Assessment Survey’ page, you will see the list of Patient and Dispense Risk Assessments.
  4. To create a Risk Assessment Survey, select either the ‘Create Patient Risk Assessment’ or ‘Create Dispense Risk Assessment’ button.

Survey Details

  1. On the ‘Create Survey’ page, input your survey name.
  2. Choose your preferred colors for the trigger and neutral responses to be shown in the survey results. Alternatively, you can skip this step and just use the predefined colours.
    • Click the coloured squares next to the hex value inputs to open the colour picker.

Survey Questions

  • Below the ‘Survey Details’, you will find the ‘Question Row’, which is divided into two sections: the question details and the question preview.

  1. In the question details section input the question you want to ask and any details under the additional details text area.

  2. Select the appropriate question type from the options below:

    • flaky Yes/No Answers

      1. This will prompt the respondent to answer either Yes or No.
        • Recommended for questions like: Have you ever suffered a fracture or sprain?
      2. This option is useful when you want to create a multi-part question as it allows you to set a follow-up question type to be asked after the respondent answers Yes or No.
      3. You also have the option to change the follow-up trigger to either Yes, No or Any. This will determine which initial response will trigger the follow-up question.


      • To ask respondents if they have any allergies and collect details, you can set up the question as follows:
        1. Input the question as "Do you have any allergies?"
        2. Input the additional details as "If Yes, Please list down all the allergies you have".
        3. Select ‘Yes/No Answer’ as the question type.
        4. Select ‘Response is Yes’ as the follow-up trigger.
        5. Finally, Select ‘Short Answers’ as the follow-up question type.
    • short_text Short Answers

      1. This will prompt the respondent to enter a short answer.
        • Recommended for questions like: What is your date of birth?
    • notes Paragraph

      1. This will prompt the respondent to enter a paragraph of text as a response.
        • Recommended for questions like: What was the reason for your consult with the practitioner?
    • radio_button_checked Multiple Choice

      1. This will prompt the respondent to select one of the provided options.
        • Recommended for questions like: What is your blood type?
      2. When this option is selected a list of choices will appear below the additional details text area.
      3. To add an item to the list, enter it in the ‘Add New Item’ field.
      4. If you want to allow the respondent to input their own answer, tick the ‘Add "Other" as last item’ checkbox.
    • checklist Checklist

      1. This will prompt the respondent to select multiple options from a list.
      2. When this option is selected a checklist will appear below the additional details text area.
      3. To add an item to the list, enter it in the ‘Add New Item’ field.
      4. If you want to allow the respondent to input their own answer, tick the ‘Add "Other" as last item’ checkbox.


      • To ask respondents for what medical care they got for their illness, you can set up the question as follows:
        1. Input the question as "What medical care did you get for the illness?"
        2. Input the additional details as "Check all that applies:".
        3. Select ‘Checklist’ as the question type.
        4. Tick the ‘Add "Other" as last item’ checkbox so they can input their own answer.
        5. Then add your options to your checklist.
    • insert_drive_file File Upload

      1. This will prompt the respondent to upload a file.
        • Recommended for questions like: Please upload a copy of your prescription.
  3. To add another question, click on the ‘+ Add Question’ button.

  4. To duplicate your question, click on the ‘content_copy Duplicate’ button. This will duplicate the question and add it to the next row.

  5. To remove a question, click on the ‘close Remove’ button.

    • Once a question has been removed, you will not be able undo this action.
  6. To Reorder your questions, use the ‘drag_indicator’ drag handle on the left of each question row to move it up or down the list.

  7. Click on the ‘Save’ button when finished.

Editing a Risk Assessment Survey

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Under the ‘Advanced’ section click on ‘Risk Assessment Survey’.
  3. On the ‘Risk Assessment Survey’ page, you will see the list of Patient and Dispense Risk Assessments.
  4. Click on the ‘Survey’ you wish to edit, alternatively you can click on the ‘more_vert’ icon on the right side of the survey row, this will open a drop-down menu where you can select the ‘Edit’ option.
  5. On the selected ‘Survey’ page, you are able to edit the survey details and survey questions as detailed in ‘Creating a Risk Assessment Survey’.
  6. Click on the ‘More Actions’ drop-down menu to archive the survey if required.

Setting a Default Patient Risk Assessment Survey

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Under the ‘Advanced’ section click on ‘Risk Assessment Survey’.
  3. On the ‘Risk Assessment Survey’ page, you will see the list of Patient Risk Assessments.
  4. On the row of the ‘Survey’ you wish to set as the default, click on the ‘more_vert’ icon on the right side of the survey row, this will open a drop-down menu where you can select the ‘Set as Default’ option.
  5. A Default badge will appear beside the survey name to indicate that it is the default survey.

Adding a Risk Assessment Survey as a Formulation Step

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Under the ‘Formulation’ section click on ‘Formulations’.
  3. On the ‘Formulations’ page, Select the desired formulation from the list.
  4. Under ‘Risk Management’ section a list of all risk management steps for the formulation will be displayed.
  5. To add a new risk management step, click on ‘+ Add Step’, this will open the ‘New Formulation Step’ modal.
  6. Select the ‘quiz Risk Management’ step, this will open the ‘Survey Selection’ modal
  7. Optional: Input the survey step name and the survey description.
  8. Select the desired risk assessment survey from the drop-down menu.
    • Only risk assessment surveys created under the ‘Dispense Risk Assessment’ section will appear here.
    • Alternatively, if you have not created a survey yet you can click on Create a Survey. This will take you to the ‘Create Survey’ page.
  9. Select the appropriate conditionality for the step.
  10. Click on the ‘Done’ button when finished.

Manually Entering a Risk Assessment Survey

Directly input survey responses on behalf of a customer or patient. This is useful when handling in-person consultations or inputting data from physical documents. Follow the steps below depending on whether you are filling out a patient or dispense risk assessment.

  • If you require that your customers completes the survey. See Sending Risk Assessment Links instead to learn how to send a risk assessment to your customers.

Patient Risk Assessments

  • For Customers

  1. Go to the ‘Customers’ page.
  2. Select the desired customer from the list.
  3. Click on the ‘edit Edit’ button on the header, this will open the ‘Edit Customer’ page.
  4. Scroll down to the ‘Risk Assessment’ section:
    • For Customers with existing/previously answered survey
      1. Click on the ‘Update Medical History’ button, this will open the ‘Select Survey’ modal.
    • For Customers with no existing/previously answered survey
      1. Click on the Add Medical History’ button, this will open the ‘Select Survey’ modal.
  5. Select the desired patient risk assessment survey from the list.
  6. Fill in the details of the survey as required.
  7. Click on the ‘Save’ button when finished.

  • For Drafts

  1. Go to the ‘Draft’ page for a previously entered draft.
  2. On the ‘Risk Assessment’ section:
    • For Customers with existing/previously answered survey
      1. Click on the ‘Update Survey’ button.
      2. Click on the ‘Begin Survey’ option, this will open the ‘Select Survey’ modal.
    • For Customers with no existing/previously answered survey
      1. Click on the ‘arrow_drop_down’ caret beside the ‘Send Survey’ button.
      2. Click on the ‘Begin Survey’ option, this will open the ‘Select Survey’ modal.
  3. Select the desired patient risk assessment survey from the list.
  4. Fill in the details of the survey as required.
  5. Click on the ‘Save’ button when finished.

Dispense Risk Assessments

  • For Drafts

  1. Go to the ‘Draft Record’ page.
  2. On the ‘Risk Assessment’ section, click on the ‘Begin Survey’ button, this will open the ‘Survey’ modal.
  3. Fill in the details of the survey as required.
  4. Click on the ‘Save’ button when finished.
    • If the conditionality of the risk assessment step was set to required to continue, the ‘Survey’ modal will open when the ‘Dispense’ button is clicked and must be completed before the dispense can be made.

  • For Dispense Records

  1. Go to the ‘Dispense Record’ page.
  2. On the ‘Risk Assessment’ section, click on the ‘Begin Survey’ button, this will open the ‘Dispense Survey’ modal.
  3. Fill in the details of the survey as required.
  4. Click on the ‘Save’ button when finished.
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