Risk Assessment Links

  1. There are two ways to send a risk assessment link to a patient:

    • Option 1: Going to the ‘Customers’ page, selecting the desired customer from the list and clicking on the ‘Send’ button.
    • Option 2: Going to the ‘Draft’ record of a customer and clicking on the ‘Send Survey button under the ‘Patient Risk Assessment’ section.
    • Both of these options will open the ‘Send Risk Assessment’ modal.
  2. On the ‘Send Risk Assessment’ modal, you can set the cc invoice to , reply to, survey, email/sms template to be used and a customised note for the patient.

  3. Once you have set the details above, click on the ‘Send’ button to send the link to the patient.

  4. Patient will receive an email/text message with the link to the risk assessment survey shortly after.

  5. On the customer details section/draft record's risk assessment section, the risk assessment status will update to arrow_circle_right Sent.

Schedule Send a Patient Risk Assessment Link

  1. Follow the same steps detailed in ‘Sending a Patient Risk Assessment Link’ but instead of clicking on the ‘Send’ button, click on the ‘arrow_drop_down’ caret beside the ‘Send’ button and then click on the ‘access_time Schedule Send’ option, this will open the ‘Schedule Send’ modal.
  2. On the ‘Schedule Send’ modal, specify the date and time to send the link.
  3. Click on the ‘Schedule Risk Assessment’ button.
  4. Patient will receive an email/text message with the link to the risk assessment survey on the specified date and time.
  5. On the customer details section/draft record's risk assessment section, the risk assessment status will update to access_time_filled Scheduled.

Cancelling a Scheduled Send

  1. To cancel a scheduled send, click on the ‘Cancel’ button on the customer details section/draft record's risk assessment section.
    • If the risk assessment has already been sent, the status will update to arrow_circle_right Sent and can no longer be cancelled.

Risk Assessment Link Status

  • error No Risk Assessment - The patient has no risk assessment on record.

  • arrow_circle_right Sent - A risk assessment has been sent to the patient but has not been completed.

  • access_time_filled Scheduled - A risk assessment has been scheduled to be sent to the patient.

  • cancel Expired Link - The risk assessment link was sent but was not completed within 365 days since the link was sent.

  • check_circle Completed - The risk assessment link was sent and completed.

  • check_circle Recorded - No risk assessment was sent to the patient, but it has been recorded manually.
  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.

  2. Under the ‘Advanced’ section click on ‘Your Workspace’.

  3. Click ‘Risk Assessment Links’ tab.

  4. Toggle the ‘Allow Customer Copy’ switch to give your customers the option of receiving a copy of their risk assessment responses via their registered email address.

  5. If you wish to be notified when a customer completes a risk assessment, the following options can be set:

    • Notify via Email
    1. Input the email address of your choice under the ‘Completed Risk Assessment Notification Email’ field.
    • You can add multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma.
    • Workspace Notificationsstandard Package

    1. Click on the ‘Add Notification Role’ button, this will open the ‘Select Role’ modal.
    2. Select the desired role from the list by clicking on the ‘add_circle_outline’ icon.
  6. Click on the ‘Save’ button when finished.

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ page.
  2. Type in email & sms templates.
  3. Click on the ‘Email & SMS Templates’.
  4. On the ‘Email/SMS Templates’ page, Compound Direct has provided two pre-made templates for risk assessment links:
    1. ‘Risk Assessment Request’ - This template is what your customers will see when you send them a risk assessment link.
      • Note: This is not the link itself but the email/sms that will contain the link.
    2. ‘Risk Assessment Survey - Customer Copy - This template is what your customers will see when they request a copy of their risk assessment responses.

As soon as a customer completes a risk assessment, you can expect the following to occur:

  1. The status of the risk assessment will update to check_circle Completed.
  2. If you have set up ‘Notify via Email’ in your workspace settings, you will receive an email with the customer's responses.
  3. If you have set up ‘Workspace Notifications’ in your workspace settings, you will receive a notification on your workspace that a customer has completed a risk assessment.
    • Clicking on this notification will take you to the ‘Customer’ page and will show the customer's responses.
  4. If the customer has opted to receive a copy of their risk assessment responses they will receive one via their registered email address.
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