Order Workflow

Order Workflow allows users to define workflows and processes for your orders. These templates allow you to streamline common workflow payment and invoice settings.

Finding an order workflow

  1. Go to the ā€˜Settingsā€™ page.
  2. Click on the ā€˜Templatesā€™ button.
  3. Click on the 'Order Workflows' button.
  4. A list of Order Workflows are shown.
  5. Once found click on the Order Workflow to view it.

Adding a new order workflow

  1. Go to the ā€˜Settingsā€™ page.
  2. Click on the ā€˜Templatesā€™ button.
  3. Click on the 'Order Workflows' button.
  4. Click on the ā€˜Create Order Workflowā€™ button.
  5. Add the Name of the Order Workflow.
  6. Select an Invoice Template and Default Billing Account from the drop-down menus as required.
  7. Select if you want to set the account as invoice recipient.
  8. Select if the invoice is taxable.
  9. If the invoice is taxable select if tax is inclusive in the price.
  10. Select the delivery method of this template and any shipping and handling cost to be added to the price.
  11. Add default notification details about how your customer will receive their invoice.
  12. Toggle on the Send to customer box if desired. If selected:
  13. Click on the ā€˜Email/SMS Templateā€™ bubble to select a template when sending an invoice to the customer.
    1. Click on the ā€˜Reply toā€™ drop-down menu and select who the customer can reply to if any.
      • See Your Workspace tutorial for more information on how to set up new administration contacts.
    2. Click on the ā€˜CCā€™ drop-down menu and select who else receives the invoice.
      • See Your Workspace tutorial for more information on how to set up new administration contacts.
  14. Select if you want to send without confirmation.
  15. Tick the Line items editable box if you would like to allow the customer to edit order items. Note: Line items editable is only viewable if the Send to customer toggle is turned on.
  16. Select if you want to disable invoice download. This will prevent the customer downloading their invoice/pharmacy receipt, invoice will still be sent in fulfilment communication.
  17. Click on the ā€˜Risk assessment surveyā€™ drop-down menu and select the survey you want to be asked prior to checkout.
  18. Add ā€˜Risk assessment survey promptā€™ details about the survey the customer receives.
  19. Toggle on relevant Workflow Automations. An automation can only be turned on if the Send to customer toggle is turned off.
    1. Toggle on the Archive on paid box to archive the order once paid.
    2. Toggle on the Archive on save if desired.
    3. Toggle on the Fulfil on save to fulfil the order once saved.
    4. Toggle on the Pending payment on save if desired.
  20. Click on the ā€˜Createā€™ button to save changes.

Editing an order workflow

  1. Go to the ā€˜Settingsā€™ page.
  2. Click on the ā€˜Templatesā€™ button.
  3. Click on the 'Order Workflows' button.
  4. Click on the desired Order Workflow to edit.
  5. Edit the name, and other additional fields as desired.
  6. Edit the cost and notification details as required.
  7. Click on the ā€˜Saveā€™ button to save changes.

Deleting an order workflow

  1. Go to the ā€˜Settingsā€™ page.
  2. Click on the ā€˜Templatesā€™ button.
  3. Click on the 'Order Workflows' button.
  4. Click on the desired Order Workflow that you want to delete.
  5. Click on the 'Delete' button.
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